(Healthy) Valentine's Sweets That are Easy to Love

Did I just say healthy and sweets in the same sentence? Yes. It is not a typo.  While all sweets need to be eaten infrequently, there are ways to enjoy them without going overboard in the 'bad-for-you' category.  I, for one, love a yummy dessert and Valentine’s Day is one of the occasions where I like to splurge.  But at the same time, I don’t want to stray from eating clean, so I choose carefully.  If you want to indulge this February 14th, without too much guilt, I’ve got a few recipes to share.

Here are 3 recipes that satisfy a sweet tooth while sticking with healthy, unprocessed ingredients… and you won’t have to sacrifice taste. 

Chocolate Chia Pudding – there are dozens of versions of chia seed pudding. This one is really chocolaty.  {print recipe}

Almond Butter Cups – love the hint of cinnamon in these! {print recipe}

Lime Cheesecake Squares – from Clean Eating Magazine, this re-invented recipe saves you more than 200 calories over the original and slashes sugar and fat by eliminating sweetened condensed milk and cream.  {Click here for link}

May your Valentine’s Day be full of smiles, love and (healthy) sweets.